main aim of the software is as follows:
a. Ease of quantity calculation.
b. Help in cost control of project.
c. Work out the cash flow on monthly basis.
d. Work out men & material requirements of a project on monthly basis.
can benefit from this software?
In particular Builders, Contractors, Civil, Structural Engineers, Architects & Students.
In general any Professional related to building industry.
internet required to run Software given in QTY software.
The programs run independently from your local drive. However Keep LOCKED CD at all times in the CD ROM drive while carrying our Quantity Estimation.
operating (OS) system is required to run Software.
Will QTY software work on Server.
It works only on PC. The computer should have its operating system
(OS) installed FROM C drive. Software is single user.
user can Edit, Delete & Add items as well as quantities.
Labour & Material coefficients can also be modified.
if their there is any discrepancy or error found in the software.
We have taken utmost care in preparation of software. However their could be some bugs or genuine errors in designs. We request the users to bring these to the notice of the
author through email or by letter, describing in details the data
entered, actual & expected output. Appropriate Action will be
taken on case to case basis.
the software will be delivered ?
QTY software will be delivered by Courier Service or by
Registered A. D. within 3 to 4 days of receiving the Remittance (Cheque/DD) within
India. Duly acknowledged receipt & Bill will be included in the packing.
web browser shall be used for viewing ?
Internet Explorer 5.0 & later
versions shall be used.