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Again Practice Software using working example.
The software Optimizes the Reinforcement cutting Lengths, 
{using Bar bending Schedule (BBS)}
as per the given standard  Length of Bars.

Only One Std. Length of bar shall be indicated during Project Creation.

The Software cannot Optimize using more than one Std. Lengths of Reinforcements. Usual Standard Length of bar is say 12000 MM.
Basically following steps are needed to Optimize the given BBS.
1. Create New Project.
2. Add BBS (Bar Bending Schedule) Records or Import From CSV File. 
    A CSV file is Comma Separated Value format obtained from EXCEL sheets. 
    Any Excel File can be saved as CSV format by SAVE AS option. 
    The Name of this File shall be same as that of File created using 
    NEW Project option, else error will be generated.
3. Run Display / Add / Edit option and correct any errors Flagged.
4. Now Run Optimize option.

5. Under Display option, view the Optimized File.

That's all.
Note that Optimized bars are Grouped as per Bar Markings. It is very important to give correct Bar marks or Bar Codes. In any given SET the summation of cutting lengths of all the bars marked shall not be exceed std. length. 
The software indicates wastages after optimization under Each category of bar diameter as well as total wastages. The wastage lengths also includes cutting Lengths greater than 2000 MM. Normally cutting Lengths exceeding 2000 MM are not included in wastages as they are consumed in Lapping or in subsequent construction.

The gross % wastage can vary between 4 to 8.5 % depending up on file 
tonnage, number of records and random distributing of bar cutting lengths 
within the file.

Usually for floor Slab + Beam gross wastage is around 5 %.

Bars eligible for optimization are :-
6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 32 and 36 MM.
The Execution Time of optimization is normally within 5 Minutes for a 
BBS File containing about 5.0 tons of reinforcements (3000 Records). 
File Containing Larger no. of Records, time exceeding 60 minutes may be consumed. It is recommended to split files in to manageable entities such as Slabs + Beams, Columns, Footings, Piles, Pile caps, Tie Beams, 
Lintels+ Chajjas + Canopies, Water Tanks, RC Road, RC Drain / Trenches etc.
In Addition to Optimization, Waste Removal Program is also included with the software. In order to remove wastages, a waste file shall be created. An internal waste file is automatically created when Display / Create Internal Waste File option is run. 
Facility is also provided to import external waste file in CSV Format.
When Waste Removal is executed both the main BBS File and Waste Files are reduced to the extent the wastages are consumed.
Important Points Regarding Bar Bending Schedule.

1. Bar Nos cannot be < = 0.

2. Bar Length cannot be < = 0 & Bar Length cannot be > 12000 MM.

3. Same Bar Mark for Different Diameter not permitted.

4. Same Bar Mark for Different Cut Length not permitted.

5. Bar mark Shall be Unique, corresponding to Each bar Diameter & Length.

6. Cutting Length of Each bar shall be in MM.

7. Nos indicate total numbers of bars corresponding to each unique Bar mark.
Minimum Computer RAM memory of 2 GB is recommended.
Use Laser OR Ink Jet Printer.