Total Cost of Project and Material Consumption
Organization : Super Civil CD
Project : 7 Storey Bldg. Complex
Project No : 8912
Consultants Fee in % : 5
Site Survey + Soil Investigation Fee in % : 0.5
Site development + Horticulture in % : 3
External Water Supply + Plumbing in % : 3
Electrical Works in % : 8
Swimming Pool + Playground + Gym in % : 0.5
Fire Fighting Services in % : 2.0
Green Building + Solar Panels in % : 1.0
Approval + Mandatory Charges in % : 2.5
Contingencies + Price Escalation in % : 3.5
Miscellaneous Works in % : 0.50
Rate of Each Brick : 5.0
Cement Rate per Bag : 275
Sand Rate per M3 : 1400
Aggregate Rate per M3 : 1060
Timber Rate per M3 : 30000
Reinforcement Rate per Ton : 40000
Mason Wage per Day : 500
Carpenter Wage per Day : 500
Helper Wage per day : 300
Total No. of Storeys Including GF. : 7
Total No. of Flats : 49
Total Built-up Area of Bldg. in M2 : 4560
Building Shape in Plan : Y Shape
Lift Cost in % : 5
Seismic Design Impact in % : 10
Extra for Raft Foundation in % : 5
Extra for Piles + Caps + Beams in % :
Contractors Over Head + Profit in % : 20
Basic Cost of Project = 98594737
Consultants Fee = 4929737
Site Survey + Soil Investigation Fee = 492973.7
Site development + Horticulture = 2957842
External Water Supply + Plumbing = 2957842
Electrical Works = 7887579
Swimming Pool + Playground + Gym = 492973.7
Fire Fighting Services = 1971895
Green Building + Solar Panels = 985947.4
Approval + Mandatory Charges = 2464869
Contingencies + Price Escalation = 3450816
Miscellaneous Works = 492973.7
Contractors Over Head + Profit = 19718947.4
Total Project Cost = 147399132
Total Cement Required in Bags = 21195
Total Cement Cost = 5828625
Total Sand Required in M3 = 2061
Total sand Cost = 2885400
Total Aggregates Required in M3 = 1466
Total Aggregate Cost = 1553960
Total Reinforcements Reqd. in Tons (Excl. Raft / Pile) = 149
Total Reinforcement Cost = 5960000
Total Bricks Required in Nos. = 1228715
Total Brick Cost = 6143575